About UsThe California Real Estate Inspection Association, CREIA is a non-profit 501 (c) 6 association dedicated to using all its resources for the benefit of members and the home-buying public they serve. Established in 1976, CREIA has twenty chapters located throughout California, holds regular meetings and other educational programs, advocates for the profession, and offers leadership opportunities to its members. CREIA's Standards of Practice have been recognized by the State of California, and are considered the source for home inspector standard of care by the real estate and legal communities. Premier Affiliate Logos
Fighting for the CA Home Inspector: CREIA Legislative AdvocacyCREIA is the only association in California that lobbies and advocates for the CA home inspector. CREIA's Legislative Advocates, Desmond & Desmond LLC, monitors legislation, meets with members of the legislature and provides advice to the CREIA Board of Directors and Legislative Committee on legislation that may affect home inspectors in California. Learn more about CREIA Legislative Advocacy EffortsAffiliate CenterInspectors look to CREIA for solutions to their problems to help them operate successful businesses. Serving as an information resource is a significant element of the many services CREIA provides to its members. CREIA has developed the Affiliate Partnership Program to provide information & support services for inspectors and partners in the real estate community. This mutual benefit offering is designed to help our affiliate partners and inspectors grow their businesses in this competitive market and provide the ability to align you with the best in the industry. Visit CREIA AffiliatesTechnical Information ExchangeCREIA’s TIE is a membership privilege. The TIE is an open forum for CREIA members to discuss the technical aspects of home inspections & receive feedback from other CREIA members. Find something rare in a home inspection? Unsure on how to write up a section of your report? Share it with the CREIA community and discuss with other Certified & Master inspector. Access the Technical Information ExchangeOnline EducationIn addition to the CREIA in-person Chapter Meetings, CREIA offers an extensive online education platform FREE to CREIA Members. All online education videos can be accessed on-demand and are valid towards your CEC's for renewal. Online education videos also include training for Associate Members such as recordings of the NHIE group study session! The CREIA Education Affiliates also offer online and in-person study courses that apply to your CEC's.
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